Dear Member,
Nominations are invited for positions on the Board of Directors of the Aspley Australian Football & Sporting Club Ltd in accordance with the constitution.
Five positions will become vacant at the Annual General Meeting on Monday 11th December 2023.
- Treasurer – 2-year term
- Director – Junior Football – 2-year term
- Directors (3 required) – 2-year term
Current Directors whose terms are to expire are eligible to re-nominate. If nominations exceed vacancies, a ballot will be conducted. Nominees receiving the greatest number of votes at the Annual General Meeting will be appointed to the positions available in order of priority of the number of votes received.
Please note that nomination and voting is the privilege of financial Full Members, Life Members and Football Life Members only.
Any two (2) financial Full members of the club of at least twelve (12) months standing shall be at liberty to nominate any other financial Full Member of at least twelve (12) months standing to serve as an officer or other member of the Board of Management. The nomination shall be in writing and be signed by the member, proposer, and seconder.
Nominations must be lodged in a sealed envelope marked “Election – Attention the Secretary,” and lodged at reception by 5pm on Friday 10th November 2023.
Nomination forms are attached to this email or available from the club reception.
Member Resolutions
Notice of any resolution to be put at the meeting shall be lodged in writing, at reception, addressed to the Secretary, by 5pm on Friday 10th November 2023, and must comply with the Corporations Act 2001 – section 249n, which states:
“The following members may give the company a notice of a resolution that they propose to move at a general meeting:
- members with at least 5% of the votes that may be cast on the resolution; or
- at least 100 members who are entitled to vote at a general meeting,
- the notice must be in writing; and:
- set out the wording of the proposed resolution; and
- be signed by the members proposing to move the resolution.
Company Secretary